AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam
Why Prepare for the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam In order to understand what Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam means in your life and how to prepare for it, we need to know what is Azure. To explain this, let us first understand what Azure is. Azure is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud that delivers cloud infrastructure services, including virtual machines (VM) and containers, application software, integration with Microsoft Office 365, and integration with Microsoft SQL Server. What to Know About the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam You have been looking forward to the Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate Exam. However, before you go taking it, here are a few things to consider? Are you an IT leader? Do you possess an Azure cert? If you are an Azure expert and the Azure administrator certification is what you have been craving, you may want to know if you are ready to take it. First things first, Microsoft A...